Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Spynaija
To study Education and Christian Religious Studies in any accredited university or polytechnic in Nigeria, here is the Jamb and Waec subject combination and requirements you need to look out for.
Note that English Language is Compulsory for all courses in UTME.
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The UTME Subjects includes;
Two Arts subject including Religious studies and one other subject.
- OOU requires English Language and three other subjects from History, Geography/Physics, Religious Studies, French and English
Literature. - UNILAG and UNICAL require CRS and two other Arts subjects.
- TASUED requires English Language and any other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
- UNIBEN accepts any three subjects.
- UNILAG accepts any three of Literature in English, History/Government, French, Geography, Math, Yoruba/Igbo, CRK/IRS,
Commerce and Economics.
O’Level Requirements
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You require;
Five WASSC credit passes or TC II merit in five subjects including English Language, Religious Studies and three other Arts subject.
- LASU requires credit passes in Mathematics and CRK.
- ABU accepts one other Social Science subject in lieu of Art subject.
- ABSU requires Five SSCE credit passes to include English Language, Religious Studies and three other subjects.
- UNICAL requires Five ‘O’ level credit passes including English Language, Religious Studies and three other Arts subject. Accepts at least a pass in Mathematics
- KSU require five ‘O’ level credits or TC II merits in five (5) subjects including English Language, CRK and three other relevant subjects.
- UNILAG requires five Credits including English, Mathematics, CRS and two (2) of Literature in English, Yoruba, History or Government, Igbo,
French, IRS, Economics, and Arabic. - UNIABUJA also requires credit passes in Mathematics
Direct Entry Requirements
You require;
Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE merit in Religious Studies and one other
Arts subject.
- TASUED accepts Two ‘A’ level/ NCE Merit passes to include CRS and one other subject in Arts/ Social Sciences.
- ABU accepts:
(a) Two ‘A’ level passes/NCE merit in CRS and Education. - UNICAL accepts NCE with credit or merit in CRS.
- UNILAG accepts:
(a) Very good passes in three JUPEB subjects: CRS and any two (2) of
Government, History, Lit-in English, Yoruba, Igbo and French
(b) Two (2) A/Level passes in CRS and any other Arts subject.
(c) NCE: CRS and any Arts subject
(d) Candidate must satisfy O/Level requirement.