8 Ways to Improve your Self Esteem

Last Updated on February 8, 2021 by Spynaija

There are many ways to boost self esteem. Self esteem is the positive or negative attitude one feels about themselves. Here are nine ways that’ll helps to boost your self esteem.

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  1. Be with the right People

Don’t let people’s negative thoughts of you lead you to start believing those negative thoughts of yours. When it comes to self esteem, your opinion is the only thing that matters. Avoid people that treat you bad because this will make you feel bad towards yourself. Surrounding yourself around negative people will only make you act negatively. Try as much as you can to be with the right people.

2. Stop Trying to Please Everyone

Trying to please everyone will have you feeling unappreciated if you don’t get that same treatment in return. Even though you should treat others how you want to be treated, you won’t always get that same treatment in return. Not getting the same treatment in return is never a reflection of you, but them. Everyone’s intention may not always be the same as yours. Don’t rely on others to determine your self worth because of rejection. Don’t expect things to always come out the way you expect it to. Be the unique person that you are. You don’t need to seek validation from anyone because their pespective might not always align with yours. Never let the thoughts and feelings of not being able to help others affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally.

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3. Occupy Yourself

Don’t spend time thinking about what’ll make you sad or insecure. Do the things you love to do to occupy your mind. If you are busy doing things you love to do, you’ll not have the time to dwell on negativity.

4. Forgive

Holding onto feelings of resentment and grudges will keep you in a state of negativity. Once you forgive yourself, you’ll be able to start to forgive others. Sometimes you have to change your perspective to see other’s point of view. The past is the past and you can’t change it so don’t live with regrets. Having that sense of forgiveness is a relief lifted off your shoulders.

5. Don’t Compare yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others can make you feel as if you’re not worth it. Just because you feel someone has more than you, or is doing better than you in any type of way brings you down. There is no such thing as a life that’s better than yours. Your insecurities shouldn’t be a reflection on any and everything that someone says. Know your own personal value.

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6. Keep The Right Company

Surround yourself around people who loves, cares, and accepts you just for who you are. It helps when family and friends remind you of things that you do right. If you expect to be treated a certain way, surround yourself around those people. People see you differently the way you see yourself. Openly accept the sayings of the ones who treat you good. This helps you view yourself in a unique way other than how you view yourself. Treat others with kindness and the kindness will be returned.

7. Make a list

Make a list of things you feel proud of. Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how big or small, it’s always a job well done. When you feel bad about yourself, look at the list to remind yourself of your success.

8. Turn negative thoughts to positivity

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Instead of feeling overwhelmed from negative thoughts, accept them, but Don’t allow it influence your lifestyle. When you feel bad, you will only remember bad times. The way you feel has a major impact on your thoughts and behavior. Your self esteem will begin to improve as you learn to control negative thoughts. If you can’t control your thoughts, you’ll never be able to control your behavior. Learn from past failures but don’t dwell on them.

Being aware of your thoughts and feelings uncovers the real issue. Thoughts are just thoughts; not necessarily to be True.

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