7 ways to Boost your child’s self esteem

Last Updated on June 8, 2021 by Spynaija

Self-esteem is an essential trait every child should have. As parents, you can help to boost your child’s self-esteem by following the steps below:

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》Be a Good Example: Express through your actions and words that you respect yourself. Children are wonderful at imitating what they see and hear. Remember, you are your child’s best role model.

》Create positive routines: Young children need routines to help them to feel secure and competent. Try to set a good schedule for bedtime, rest/naps, meals, etc. Try to keep exceptions to the routine to a minimum and explain any necessary changes if/when they occur.

》Assign Roles: Give your child a job/chore that only he/she does for the family. Even a small job can have a positive lasting impact on your child’s self-esteem.

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》Talk Positivity at all Times: Even though there is negativity globally, don’t dwell on it with your children. When with your child, be sure to point out the many positive things in the world.

》Spend time with your children: Remember, quality is more important than quantity. Even if you spend just 30 minutes with your children one on one — playing games, taking walks, having long bedtime chats, or just snuggling in front of the TV, spending time with your children shows them that you value their company.

》Give your child choices: Giving your child choices between a reasonable set of options that are already predetermined by you will make them feel empowered.

》Don’t Force Things on Your Children: Yes, this is very important though our parents are culprits of this; they forced things on us while growing up in the 80s and 90s. We’re in the age where modernization has overrun the universe; children of this age are born smart to be able to know what they want to wear, eat, the toys they’d prefer, etc., allowing them to go for what they want to boost their self-esteem. 


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