163 List of WUE Schools in 2023 with their WUE Tuitions

Last Updated on August 2, 2023 by Spynaija

As the cost of college tuition continues to skyrocket, many students and families are searching for ways to save money on higher education. Fortunately, the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program offered by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) offers an affordable solution for students in the Western United States. WUE schools provide students with the opportunity to attend participating colleges and universities at a reduced tuition rate without sacrificing quality. With 16 participating states and territories, including California, Washington, Colorado, etc, there are many WUE schools to choose from.

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In this article, we have compiled a list of the 163 participating universities and colleges, including their respective tuitions. Read on to learn more about WUE schools and how they can benefit you.

What are the benefits of the WUE program?

Through the Western Undergraduate Exchange, 163 participating Western public colleges and universities allow non-resident students to enroll at a tuition rate of no more than 150% of the resident rate, leading to an average nonresident-tuition discount of over $9,000, with many students saving more than 50% of the standard nonresident tuition rate.

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What are the participating states in the WUE Program?

The 16 participating states in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program are Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Each of these states and territories participates in the program to provide students with more affordable higher education opportunities within the Western region of the United States.

How Do I Apply To Get The WUE Reduced Tuition Rate?

You can apply for admission directly to any of the WUE schools of your choice. There is no general or specific WUE application process. If the institution you intend to apply to uses a hard copy application, make sure to mark prominently on the form that you are seeking admission at the WUE rate. For online applications, ensure to check the Western Undergraduate Exchange box, and if there is not one provided, contact the school admissions office on how to apply for the WUE discounted rate.

However, some institutions automatically consider applicants from a WICHE state for the WUE rate; most institutions, however, require applicants to request the special WUE rate at the time of application for admission or that you apply for the WUE rate through the school’s scholarship or financial aid office.

Furthermore, kindly note that the reduced Western Undergraduate Exchange tuition rate is not automatically awarded to all eligible candidates. Many institutions limit the number of new WUE awards each academic year, so it is very necessary that you apply as early as possible!

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163 WUE Schools list 

We have meticulously provided a list of all 163 Western Undergraduate Exchange Schools available in the various WICHE member states we listed above earlier. Also, we have included all their respective WUE tuitions.

State Institution WUE Tuition
Alaska The University of Alaska Anchorage $10,530
Alaska University of Alaska Fairbanks $11,700
Alaska University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau Campus $10,530
Arizona Arizona State University / Downtown $16,467
Arizona Arizona State University / Polytechnic Campus $14,823
Arizona Arizona State University / West Campus $14,823
Arizona Arizona Western College $4,140
Arizona Central Arizona College $2,250
Arizona Chandler-Gilbert Community College $3,825
Arizona Cochise College $4,095
Arizona Coconino Community College $5,085
Arizona Eastern Arizona College $4,185
Arizona Estrella Mountain Community College $3,825
Arizona GateWay Community College $3,825
Arizona Glendale Community College $3,825
Arizona Mesa Community College $3,825
Arizona Mohave Community College $3,645
Arizona Northern Arizona University $16,536
Arizona Northland Pioneer College $3,060
Arizona Paradise Valley Community College $3,825
Arizona Phoenix College $3,825
Arizona Pima Community College $4,005
Arizona Rio Salado College $3,825
Arizona Scottsdale Community College $3,825
Arizona South Mountain Community College $3,825
Arizona The University of Arizona Sierra Vista $14,117
Arizona University of Arizona $17,288
Arizona Yavapai College $3,528
California California State Polytechnic University, Pomona $8,613
California California State University, Bakersfield $8,613
California California State University, Channel Islands $8,613
California California State University, Chico $8,613
California California State University, Dominguez Hills $8,613
California Lake Tahoe Community College $2,070
California Sonoma State University $8,613
California California State University, East Bay $8,613
California California State University, Maritime Academy $8,613
California California State University, Monterey Bay $8,613
California California State University, Northridge $8,613
California California State University, Sacramento $8,613
California California State University, San Bernardino $8,613
California California State University, San Marcos $8,613
California California State University, Stanislaus $8,613
California California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt $8,613
California University of California-Merced $17,163
Colorado Adams State University $11,950
Colorado Aims Community College $5,130
Colorado Arapahoe Community College $7,038
Colorado Colorado Mesa University $13,169
Colorado Colorado Mountain College $8,775
Colorado Colorado Northwestern Community College $7,038
Colorado Colorado State University $19,535
Colorado Colorado State University-Pueblo $17,187
Colorado Community College of Aurora $7,038
Colorado Community College of Denver $7,038
Colorado Fort Lewis College $10,800
Colorado Front Range Community College $7,038
Colorado Lamar Community College $7,038
Colorado Metropolitan State University of Denver $17,348
Colorado Morgan Community College $7,038
Colorado Northeastern Junior College $7,038
Colorado Otero Junior College $7,038
Colorado Pikes Peak Community College $7,038
Colorado Pueblo Community College $7,038
Colorado Red Rocks Community College $7,038
Colorado The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus $25,110
Colorado Trinidad State Junior College $7,038
Colorado The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs $18,990
Colorado University of Colorado Denver $20,925
Colorado University of Northern Colorado $5,130
Colorado Western Colorado University $15,084
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Northern Marianas College $4,560
Hawaii The University of Hawaii at Hilo $11,016
Hawaii The University of Hawaii at Manoa $16,956
Hawaii The University of Hawaii Maui College $5,895
Hawaii The University of Hawaii West Oahu $11,016
Idaho Boise State University $8,298
Idaho College of Southern Idaho $4,275
Idaho Idaho State University $8,892
Idaho Lewis-Clark State College $8,739
Idaho North Idaho College $4,928
Idaho University of Idaho $9,270
Montana Dawson Community College $3,780
Montana Flathead Valley Community College $5,805
Montana Great Falls College MSU $4,253
Montana Helena College University of Montana $4,026
Montana Highlands College of Montana Tech $3,936
Montana Miles Community College $4,365
Montana Montana State University, Billings $6,930
Montana Montana State University, Bozeman $8,736
Montana Montana State University, Northern $6,948
Montana Montana Tech of the University of Montana $8,817
Montana University of Montana, Missoula $8,273
Montana The University of Montana, Western $6,989
Nevada College of Southern Nevada $5,075
Nevada Great Basin College $5,075
Nevada Nevada State College $8,325
Nevada Truckee Meadows Community College $5,075
Nevada University of Nevada, Las Vegas $11,520
Nevada University of Nevada, Reno $11,520
Nevada Western Nevada College $5,075
New Mexico Eastern New Mexico University – Portales $6,174
New Mexico Eastern New Mexico University – Roswell $2,808
New Mexico New Mexico Highlands University $7,173
New Mexico New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology $11,496
New Mexico New Mexico Junior College $1,800
New Mexico New Mexico Military Institute $3,000
New Mexico New Mexico State University $10,092
New Mexico New Mexico State University–Alamogordo $2,916
New Mexico Northern New Mexico College $7,596
New Mexico Santa Fe Community College $2,205
New Mexico University of New Mexico, Albuquerque $12,756
New Mexico Western New Mexico University, Silver City $8,945
North Dakota Bismarck State College $7,813
North Dakota Dakota College at Bottineau $6,795
North Dakota Dickinson State University $9,570
North Dakota Lake Region State College $4,249
North Dakota Mayville State University $9,775
North Dakota Minot State University $7,168
North Dakota North Dakota State College of Science $5,620
North Dakota North Dakota State University $13,693
North Dakota University of North Dakota $13,856
North Dakota Valley City State University $9,929
North Dakota Williston State College $4,138
Oregon Eastern Oregon University $12,320
Oregon Oregon State University $16,515
Oregon Oregon Institute of Technology $15,003
Oregon Portland State University $13,500
Oregon Southern Oregon University $14,108
Oregon Western Oregon University $13,095
South Dakota Black Hills State University $10,718
South Dakota Dakota State University $10,718
South Dakota Northern State University $10,718
South Dakota South Dakota School of Mines and Technology $11,726
South Dakota South Dakota State University $11,283
South Dakota University of South Dakota $11,283
Utah Utah Tech University $7,901
Utah Salt Lake Community College $5,667
Utah Snow College $5,694
Utah Southern Utah University $9,009
Utah University of Utah $13,655
Utah Utah State University $11,081
Utah Utah State University Eastern $6,203
Utah Utah Valley University $8,421
Utah Weber State University $8,207
Washington Central Washington University $11,426
Washington Eastern Washington University $10,790
Washington Washington State University Everett $16,961
Washington Evergreen State College $11,393
Washington Washington State University $16,961
Washington Washington State University Tri-Cities $16,961
Washington Western Washington University $11,798
Wyoming Casper College $4,725
Wyoming Central Wyoming College $4,725
Wyoming Eastern Wyoming College $4,725
Wyoming Gillette College $4,725
Wyoming Laramie County Community College $4,725
Wyoming Northwest College, Powell $4,725
Wyoming Sheridan College $4,725
Wyoming University of Wyoming, Laramie $7,200
Wyoming Western Wyoming Community College $4,725
READ ALSO:   WUE Schools in California 2023, Acceptance Rates & Tuitions
Recommended Topics:

In this article, we provided a list of the 163 WUE Schools you can apply for to earn any degree of your choice at a discounted rate in the United States.

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Reference: WICHE

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